Restoring eels in the Ottawa River (Feb. 25, 2017)

Our speaker, Nick Lapointe, was himself once a member of the Macoun Club, so he was confident of having a knowledgeable audience. “What is the eel's scientific name?” Anguilla rostrata. “Where to they start from when they hatch? “The Sargasso Sea! “Where is that? “ Bermuda. “Where do they go to grow up? “ Rivers [...]

2017-05-18T20:36:10-04:00February 27th, 2017|Macoun Field Club|

NCC resources and land management: problems and possible solutions

By Bailey Cooke Bailey Cooke is a second-year University of Ottawa student in biology and geology. This winter, Bailey is volunteering with the OFNC through the Community Service Learning program. On Wednesday, February 18, the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club held a workshop at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden to discuss natural history conservation in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. The evening [...]

2015-03-10T12:42:57-04:00March 10th, 2015|OFNC event|

A Conservation Plan for the Ottawa Valley

By Jessica Sutton Jessica Sutton is a 2nd-year University of Ottawa student in Environmental Studies and Biology. This fall, Jessica is volunteering with the OFNC through the Community Service Learning (CSL) program. Report from the 2014 Youth Summit The November monthly meeting kicked off with a presentation by Emma Kirke and Emily Pollington - two youth from [...]

2018-01-03T01:26:34-05:00December 3rd, 2014|OFNC event|

Staying connected from Algonquin to the Adirondacks

By Natalie Sopinka with geologic descriptions by Ken Buchan Larose Forest guide now on sale! At the club's second last meeting before summer, Linda Burr (Education & Publicity Committee) unveiled the OFNC's first bilingual publication The Larose Forest, a Naturalist's Guide. On sale now for $4, the guide includes a description of the forest's history [...]

2018-01-03T01:30:55-05:00May 17th, 2014|OFNC event|