Restoration in a changing world

The impacts of warming temperatures on the diet quality of Monarch butterflies and what we can do to help By Katherine Peel, with great thanks to Dr. Heather Kharouba, Jenna Boomhower, and Dr. Greg Mitchell for their work on the project This summer, with lots of help from lab-mate, Jenna Boomhower, I embarked on an [...]

2023-12-03T12:49:43-05:00December 3rd, 2023|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Biocontrol of Dog-strangling Vine

Does Hypena opulenta prefer DSV grown in the sun or does it thrive better on shade-grown plants? by Sharla Foster, MSc candidate, University of Ottawa and Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Dog-strangling vine (Vincetoxicum rossicum, DSV) has been plaguing Ontario and Quebec for decades. With few effective control strategies practical for use at large scales, the biocontrol [...]

2019-10-07T19:55:21-04:00October 7th, 2019|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Build it and they will hatch

One way to help ensure survival of hatchling turtles is to "cage" the nest of eggs as soon as they've been laid - harder than it sounds... by David Seburn [Note: This is the second in a series of blog posts on a project of the OFNC and the Canadian Wildlife Federation. The first was [...]

2017-08-16T16:09:23-04:00July 19th, 2017|Research|

Hunting for the elusive Blanding’s Turtle

Brandon Holden (pictured above) and David Seburn set out in search of the threatened Blanding’s Turtle... by David Seburn and Brandon Holden The Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club has partnered with the Canadian Wildlife Federation on a turtle conservation project in the Ottawa area. This is the first in a series of blog posts on this work. [...]

2017-08-16T16:10:05-04:00July 11th, 2017|Research|

Local fisheries scientists working together to rehabilitate Brewer Pond

By Maja Cvetkovic, Carleton University's Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory (FECPL) Reprinted with permission from Last week post-doctoral researcher Dr. Jon Midwood led a group of volunteers from the FECPL lab and Ottawa community on a hunt for juvenile Muskellunge and Northern Pike in the Rideau River. Ottawa can boast about its urban muskie [...]

2018-01-03T01:15:57-05:00August 2nd, 2014|Research|

Carbon and caribou in Canada’s Low Arctic

By Claire Elliott, member of the OFNC Claire Elliott In the spring of 2013 I joined the research lab of Dr. Elyn Humphreys at Carleton University. Dr. Humphreys may be known to some OFNC members for her guided walks of Mer Bleue Bog. I was enticed to join the lab because of a [...]

2018-04-16T13:55:00-04:00July 27th, 2014|Research|

Stories from Australia’s waves, caves, and animal graves

by Natalie Sopinka On April 8, OFNC members met for the third time at the new meeting location at the Central Experimental Farm. Murray Citron recited his first-ever published poem (in Trail & Landscape!) which captured all elements of an Ottawa spring: wind, snow and sun. On that note, as spring temperatures rise, so do [...]

2018-01-03T00:56:50-05:00April 14th, 2014|OFNC event|