Every year the OFNC conducts an Annual Business Meeting (ABM). Members review the financial situation of the Club and receive the annual reports of the committees which do much of the Club’s work during the year. On this page you can access the minutes of the Annual Business Meetings, including the annual committee reports, and the financial statements of the Club.

ABM held on 10 January 2024:

  • Minutes (not available yet)
  • Annual Committee Reports (not available yet)
  • Financial Statements FY 2022-2023 (not available yet)

ABM held on 10 January 2023:

ABM held on 11 January 2022:

ABM held on 12 January 2021:

ABM held on 14 January 2020:

ABM held on 8 January 2019:

ABM held on 9 January 2018:

ABM held on 10 January 2017

ABM held on 21 March 2016

ABM held on 13 January 2015

ABM held on 14 January 2014

ABM held on 15 January 2013

ABM held on 10 January 2012