Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(4) plus FREE feature article

This issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) received national attention over an article by a team of researchers at Simon Fraser University. The article, a deep dive into the evolutionary isolation of Canada’s vertebrates, was featured on CBC News: “Move aside, moose — a new study has found the most distinct animals in Canada.” It [...]

2024-11-20T16:20:35-05:00November 20th, 2024|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(3) plus FREE feature article

Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(3) Free Online Access to Feature Article The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) will soon arrive in the physical mailboxes of those with printed copy subscriptions. The Canadian Field-Naturalist is the official journal and publication of record for the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). The current issue is already [...]

2024-09-15T20:11:19-04:00June 29th, 2024|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(1-2) plus FREE feature article

Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(1-2) Free Online Access to Feature Article. The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) will soon arrive in the physical mailboxes of those with printed copy subscriptions. The Canadian Field-Naturalist is the official journal and publication of record for the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). It is already available online. [...]

2024-02-15T14:14:24-05:00February 12th, 2024|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

Editor’s synopsis of CFN 136(4) plus FREE feature article

The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) will soon arrive in the physical mailboxes of those with printed copy subscriptions. The Canadian Field-Naturalist is the official journal and publication of record for the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). The current issue is already posted online at https://www.canadianfieldnaturalist.ca/index.php/cfn. This issue has eight manuscripts, covering freeze-dried turtles, [...]

2024-02-15T14:13:49-05:00July 6th, 2023|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

Editor’s synopsis of CFN 136(3) plus FREE feature article

The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) will soon arrive in the physical mailboxes of those with subscriptions for the printed copy. The CFN is the official journal and publication of record for the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club. The current issue is already posted online. The 108 pages are full of exciting discoveries on Canada’s historical [...]

2023-07-06T15:14:40-04:00March 6th, 2023|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

Part 1 of CFN Special Issue is Now Online

By William Halliday, Online Journal Manager of CFN The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist has now been published online, and this one is special! We decided to make a two-part special issue on amphibians and reptiles in Canada, dedicated to Dr. Francis Cook. Dr. Cook was a long-time editor and associate editor of CFN, [...]

2023-07-06T15:03:45-04:00October 17th, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

CFN Issue 131(4) is Now Online

By William Halliday, Journal Manager of CFN The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist has now been published online! This issue contains a lot of content focused on birds: from Bald Eagles and Merlins to Red-winged Blackbirds, Buffleheads, and Herons. Other manuscripts focus on the influence of salmon on foodwebs, and new records for fish [...]

2023-07-06T15:04:54-04:00June 6th, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

CFN Issue 131(3) is online now – have you read it?

By William Halliday, Journal Manager of CFN Have you read the latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) yet? CFN is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is run by the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). CFN publishes articles and notes on all aspects of natural history in Canada, including articles documenting new species to Canada, novel [...]

2023-07-06T15:05:47-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|