To purchase/renew a membership, please click here.

To donate without joining/renewing, please click here.

Memberships also make great gifts!

Membership matters!

Founded in 1863, the OFNC is Canada’s oldest natural history club and has great influence in promoting environmental and conservation issues in the Ottawa region. Your support enables a range of activities.

  • The Fletcher Wildlife Garden — This urban oasis is a cherished greenspace in the heart of Ottawa and helps educate local gardeners on wildlife-friendly habitats in their backyards.
  • Conservation — We are quick to make our voices heard when habitats are threatened and support is required for local conservation initiatives.
  • Research — The OFNC Research Grants Program supports field-based research activities in the Club’s study area. We also publish The Canadian Field-Naturalist, a quarterly journal with international reach of peer-reviewed papers by leading scientists in the field of natural history.
  • Young Naturalists — The Macoun Field Club for children and teenagers aged 8 to 18 has been running since 1948. We also support other initiatives to help young people connect with nature.
  • Safe Wings Ottawa — This program has saved thousands of birds in the Ottawa region. Its goal is to reduce bird mortality from collisions with glass through patrolling, rehabilitation for injured birds, and advocacy work.
  • Other programs and activities, such as bird counts, an awards program, local excursions, and monthly nature presentations.

About your membership

Membership includes guided walks, monthly lectures, workshops, field trips, volunteer opportunities, a subscription to Trail & Landscape (the club’s quarterly print magazine), and social events year-round.
You also receive free online access to the Canadian Field-Naturalist scientific journal. Or you can subscribe below to receive the print edition.

A membership is valid for one year from the date of joining or renewal.

Purchase/renew a membership

We recommend purchasing a membership using the online method below. However if you prefer to pay by cheque, download the membership form. Please make your cheque payable to “Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club”, and mail it along with the membership form to:

Box 35069 Westgate PO
Ottawa ON K1Z 1A2

Purchase/renew online

GIFT MEMBERSHIPS: To purchase or renew a membership as a gift, follow the instructions below, entering the recipient’s name and mailing address as the Shipping address during checkout. Then contact us at membership [at] to let us know the recipient’s email address.

INSTRUCTIONS (credit card, without PayPal account):

  1. Select your membership options below, then click “Add to Cart”. A new tab will open.
  2. (If desired, return to the ofnc tab and add a donation or a print subscription to CFN.)
  3. Find and click the grey “Check out” (Pay without a PayPal account) button.
  4. Find and click the white “Pay with a credit or Visa Debit card” button.
  5. Enter your email in the “Check out as a guest” page. We will use this email for the membership file unless otherwise notified.
  6. Enter the name and mailing address for the membership file as the Shipping address. For gifts, UNCHECK the “Shipping same as billing address” box.
  7. UNCHECK the “Save info & create your PayPal account” slider.
  8. Click “Pay now as Guest” to complete the checkout.

Questions? Check our Membership FAQ or email us at membership [at] for assistance.

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Are you a new member?
Renewing members: Update your mailing/email address?
Volunteer interests (optional — more info)

Add a donation

Choose a set amount from the drop-down menu and indicate which activity you would like your donation to support.

To make a donation in any other amount, please use the Make a donation only section  below after completing your cart checkout, or choose an option here and adjust the quantity in your cart (e.g., 3 × $50).

Select donation amount
Donation for

Canadian Field-Naturalist

Access to the electronic version is free with your OFNC membership.

If you wish to receive a hard copy of the journal, the subscription rate is $50/year (4 issues)

View your cart and check out

Make a donation only

Use these Donate buttons to support the OFNC without joining or renewing your membership. Or, you can join or renew your membership above, complete the checkout process, then return here to make a separate donation to the OFNC program of your choice.

General donation

Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Wild Bird Seed

Safe Wings Ottawa