The Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club, founded in 1863 and incorporated in 1879, is the oldest natural history club in Canada. Around 900 members participate in many aspects of the natural world, from birding to botanizing, investigation to publication, conservation to cooperation. We hope you will find something here to suit your interests.

Calendar of events and outings for members
Where to go birding, bird sightings, bird identification, bird-related activities, and birding code of conduct
Information on Trail & Landscape, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, and other OFNC publications
This long-term project of the OFNC shows how to use native species and create habitat for wildlife – even in the city.

Children and youth
Macoun Field Club
For ages 8–18

Information about current and past conservation efforts of the club

Safe Wings Ottawa
Information and volunteer opportunities to prevent bird collisions
Flora and fauna
Information about flora and fauna found at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden