Christine’s walks: mid-September 2013

by Christine Hanrahan Where DOES the time go? Here it is, past the mid-way point in September, on the downslide to October. That autumn feeling is really seeping in with the colour changes in the leaves, the business of birds fuelling up for journeys south, and bees nectaring like mad on the dwindling supply of [...]

2018-02-19T03:46:32-05:00September 19th, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Christine’s walks: early September 2013

by Christine Hanrahan How time flies. Here it is, early September, with all the signs of approaching autumn now firmly in place. The old field is full of asters and goldenrods, the latter already losing their bloom. Fruit is heavy on the vine and tree, some of the sumacs are turning vivid red, and of [...]

2018-01-02T18:46:13-05:00September 4th, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Christine’s walks: insects in late October

by Christine Hanrahan The end of summer signals also the end of insect life – or does it? While summer is the peak season for insect activity, warmish days in late October can be surprisingly good for finding a variety of bugs, bees, beetles, flies and other creatures, including spiders. Over a period of two [...]

2018-01-02T18:08:20-05:00October 26th, 2012|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Christine’s walks: late August

by Christine Hanrahan Christine is one of FWG’s volunteer naturalists who writes in great detail about her visits to FWG. A great way to visit with us virtually and keep on top of what you might see when here in person! Hi all, There is always something interesting to see at the FWG, and today [...]

2018-01-02T18:01:45-05:00August 25th, 2012|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|