About Bill

Online Journal Manager of the Canadian Field-Naturalist. Associate Conservation Scientist with Wildlife Conservation Society Canada.

Part 1 of CFN Special Issue is Now Online

By William Halliday, Online Journal Manager of CFN The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist has now been published online, and this one is special! We decided to make a two-part special issue on amphibians and reptiles in Canada, dedicated to Dr. Francis Cook. Dr. Cook was a long-time editor and associate editor of CFN, [...]

2023-07-06T15:03:45-04:00October 17th, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

CFN Issue 131(4) is Now Online

By William Halliday, Journal Manager of CFN The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist has now been published online! This issue contains a lot of content focused on birds: from Bald Eagles and Merlins to Red-winged Blackbirds, Buffleheads, and Herons. Other manuscripts focus on the influence of salmon on foodwebs, and new records for fish [...]

2023-07-06T15:04:54-04:00June 6th, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|

CFN Issue 131(3) is online now – have you read it?

By William Halliday, Journal Manager of CFN Have you read the latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) yet? CFN is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is run by the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). CFN publishes articles and notes on all aspects of natural history in Canada, including articles documenting new species to Canada, novel [...]

2023-07-06T15:05:47-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Canadian Field-Naturalist, Publications|