Editor’s Synopsis of CFN 137(1-2)
Free Online Access to Feature Article.
The latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN) will soon arrive in the physical mailboxes of those with printed copy subscriptions. The Canadian Field-Naturalist is the official journal and publication of record for the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). It is already available online.

Donald McAlpine, in Kennedy Lakes Protected Natural Area (PNA), New Brunswick, 14 August 2022. Photo: Mathieu Léger. From “Notes on the natural history of Donald F. McAlpine” by Stephen Clayden, on page 2 of this Special Issue.
This issue is special for a couple of reasons. It is double the size of a typical issue (188 pages) and is a double issue: 1-2. But more importantly, it is a Special Issue dedicated to a remarkable Canadian scientist and naturalist, Dr. Donald F. McAlpine. Guest Editors Drs. Stephen Clayden and Graham Forbes first suggested such an issue in the fall of 2021. They then solicited the manuscripts from those who have worked with or alongside Don and shepherded many of the submissions through the review process. The foreword and notes on the natural history of Don set the stage for the Special Issue, followed by 12 manuscripts ranging on topics from charismatic megafauna to the enigmatic micro-lifeform of slime moulds. The stunning image of a slime mould graces the cover. More colour photographs of slime moulds are found in the Special Issue, as are equally stunning photographs of mushrooms and lichens. Congratulations to all involved in the publication of this double-special issue.
Beginning with CFN 136(3), the OFNC Publications Committee decided to make one manuscript per issue a Feature Article. The Feature “Article” for 137(1-2) is the introductory note by Stephen Clayden, summarizing the vast and important impact Don has and continues to have on Canadian Maritime natural history.
OFNC members can freely access the entire current and past issues online. Contact Bill Halliday to obtain instructions on how to create an account on the CFN website.
Dwayne Lepitzki, Ph.D.
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