Andrenid bees at the FWG

by Christine Hanrahan Originally posted in May 2011 About 5 years ago, I discovered an aggregation of Andrenid bees nesting on the north slope of the Amphibian Pond. At that time they were in one location only. The next year I went back to the pond in early spring, hoping to find them. It wasn't [...]

2022-05-07T21:21:31-04:00June 10th, 2017|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Christine’s walks: Earth Day 2013

by Christine Hanrahan Song Sparrow at our Amphibian Pond Happy Earth Day! It was a great day to be at the FWG, sunny, not too warm, not too cool, just right to bring out all sorts of wildlife. I saw four mourning cloaks today, three around the ash woods, one by the butterfly [...]

2018-01-26T18:13:05-05:00April 22nd, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|