Birders find a warbler in the bleak mid-winter!

By Gregory Zbitnew; photos by participant Suzanne Hawkins (Editor’s note: Gregory submitted his text long ago, just after the trip; as did Suzanne submit the photos. It’s all my fault that it’s being posted so late. Thank you very much to Gregory and Suzanne! BM) The third annual “birding in the bleak midwinter” field trip [...]

2020-03-20T20:19:18-04:00March 18th, 2020|OFNC event|

Birding in bleak mid-winter

Report on the 26 January 2019 field trip along the Rideau River by Gregory Zbitnew Nine participants enjoyed a pleasantly bleak mid-winter morning near Hurdman, the Adawe Bridge, and Billings Bridge. Conditions were actually almost pleasant, or at any rate only slightly uncomfortable, with average temperatures, little wind, and a bit of sun. We saw 15 species [...]

2019-01-29T16:47:36-05:00January 29th, 2019|OFNC event|

Local fisheries scientists working together to rehabilitate Brewer Pond

By Maja Cvetkovic, Carleton University's Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory (FECPL) Reprinted with permission from Last week post-doctoral researcher Dr. Jon Midwood led a group of volunteers from the FECPL lab and Ottawa community on a hunt for juvenile Muskellunge and Northern Pike in the Rideau River. Ottawa can boast about its urban muskie [...]

2018-01-03T01:15:57-05:00August 2nd, 2014|Research|