Mission Monarch

The FWG is participating in Mission Monarch, a survey of Monarch caterpillars across Canada... by Sandy Garland Just as we were about to give up hope, we noticed this large caterpillar peaking over the edge of a leaf that it was systematically devouring. Last Saturday (July 22), Daphné Laurier Montpetit of Montréal's Insectarium [...]

2017-08-16T16:08:55-04:00July 30th, 2017|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Work on the Amphibian Pond

By Ted Farnworth The amphibian pond has been helped and hurt by the record rains that we have experienced. The good news is that many of the plants that we planted in the spring have done well thanks to the frequent downpours. But the rains have also encouraged rapid growth of many types of weeds [...]

2018-01-03T00:23:54-05:00July 24th, 2017|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Ottawa School Board students visit the FWG

By Ted Farnworth Students from the Ottawa School Board The Ottawa School Board offers summer classes to new Canadians as a way of giving their students more opportunities to improve their English, get more comfortable with a school setting, and as a way to learn more about the city and country they now [...]

2018-01-03T00:29:45-05:00July 20th, 2017|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Build it and they will hatch

One way to help ensure survival of hatchling turtles is to "cage" the nest of eggs as soon as they've been laid - harder than it sounds... by David Seburn [Note: This is the second in a series of blog posts on a project of the OFNC and the Canadian Wildlife Federation. The first was [...]

2017-08-16T16:09:23-04:00July 19th, 2017|Research|

Manion Corners Butterfly Count, 8 July 2017

Butterfly count organizer, Jeff Skevington (above), reports low numbers of species and individuals this year... by Jeff Skevington, photos by Angela Skevington Twenty-six participants had a fun day on the count this year, but were challenged by both water levels and weather. Heavy storms the night before left all of the vegetation wet. This, combined [...]

2017-08-16T16:09:46-04:00July 13th, 2017|OFNC event|

Hunting for the elusive Blanding’s Turtle

Brandon Holden (pictured above) and David Seburn set out in search of the threatened Blanding’s Turtle... by David Seburn and Brandon Holden The Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club has partnered with the Canadian Wildlife Federation on a turtle conservation project in the Ottawa area. This is the first in a series of blog posts on this work. [...]

2017-08-16T16:10:05-04:00July 11th, 2017|Research|