Membership FAQ2022-11-08T15:47:12-05:00
1. What does a membership include?2022-11-08T13:26:11-05:00

Included in a membership are monthly lectures, field trips and a subscription to Trail & Landscape (the club’s quarterly print magazine).

You also receive free online access (requires email address) to the Canadian Field-Naturalist scientific journal. Or you can subscribe below to receive the print edition.

2. How long is a membership for?2022-11-08T13:27:18-05:00

A membership is valid for one year from the date of joining or renewal.

3. How much does membership cost?2022-11-08T13:27:44-05:00

Memberships are for one year; there are three membership types:

1. Individual $40
2. Family $45 (includes everyone in the household)
3. Student $20
4. How can I pay for my membership?2022-11-11T19:19:41-05:00

The easiest way to pay your membership is through the OFNC website when you fill out your membership information. It will redirect you to PayPal where you can either use your own PayPal account or you can just pay with your own credit card. That is a very safe and efficient method.

Alternatively, you may print off the membership form from the website. Mail the form with a cheque payable to ‘The OFNC’ and mailed to The Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club, PO Box 35069, Westgate PO, Ottawa, K1Z 1A2.

A third method is to send an e-transfer from your banking site to Our bank account is set up as auto-deposit, so no security question is needed. Please be sure to include contact information for yourself and indicate that the payment is for membership.

5. How long does it take to process my membership application?2022-11-08T13:28:46-05:00

If you are a new member, welcome! You will be pleased to know that your membership is created by a real live person. This person is a volunteer. Your membership payment receipt will arrive promptly. Your “Welcome to the OFNC” email package will arrive within a few days.

If you are a renewing member, thank you for your continued support! Your membership is updated quickly and a receipt from PayPal confirms your payment and is issued immediately. You already know our mandate and the guidelines for field trips. We will not spam you with information you already know.

If you are a returning member, welcome back! Your membership will be re-activated. We will look you up and update your previous membership. You will keep the same membership number and a “Welcome Back” email package will be sent within a few days.

6. I added a donation to my membership. Will I get a tax receipt and when might I expect it?2022-11-08T13:29:09-05:00

Thank you for including a donation! Donations are so important to the operating of the club. We do provide tax receipts. At the moment, tax receipts are in the form of a hard copy letter. We prepare them in three batches during the year: one after Dec 31st, one in May and one after Sept 30th.  The precise timing depends on the availability of the volunteers’ time since it is a very labour-intensive process. Please have patience with us. We are hoping to get an electronic system that is not too expensive and satisfies the requirements of the CRA.

7. Who do I email about my change of email or postal address?2022-11-08T13:29:34-05:00

Thank you for checking this out! We want you to get our monthly activity emails and our quarterly Trail & Landscape magazine. Please email us at with “COA” (change of address) in the subject heading. Please include your full name and phone number in the message body along with the new email or postal address.

8. How often do you mail out the Trail & Landscape magazine?2022-11-08T13:29:51-05:00

Trail & Landscape is mailed out quarterly. Or seasonally, if you prefer. You will receive a magazine in January, April, July and October.

9. How long are the field trips? What do I wear? Who can attend?2022-11-08T13:30:06-05:00

The information for all field trips is contained within the announcement. Further information might be available on our website or the Facebook Group. If so, this will be mentioned in the announcement. If registration is necessary, a contact name will be provided. Carpools are not managed by the club, but are encouraged.

As for what to wear, the two most important things are to dress for comfort and for the weather. Traditional sources of discomfort on field trips are unsuitable footwear and clothes that are too good for mud, snags and grass stains. Bush wear and comfortable hiking boots or shoes are best for mild weather nature rambles; in winter, wear winter outerwear and water-proof winter boots.

OFNC events are for members only. Prospective members with interest in attending should contact the trip leader in advance.