Birding in bleak mid-winter

Report on the 26 January 2019 field trip along the Rideau River by Gregory Zbitnew Nine participants enjoyed a pleasantly bleak mid-winter morning near Hurdman, the Adawe Bridge, and Billings Bridge. Conditions were actually almost pleasant, or at any rate only slightly uncomfortable, with average temperatures, little wind, and a bit of sun. We saw 15 species [...]

2019-01-29T16:47:36-05:00January 29th, 2019|OFNC event|

The taste of salt

Robert Lennox submerged in his study of salmon migration Robert Lennox is a PhD student at Carleton University. He is working on Atlantic salmon migration in Norway in Steve Cooke's lab (more info). He is also an avid naturalist with a special interest in birds. Every winter the first snowfall brings out an [...]

2018-01-03T01:15:12-05:00February 21st, 2015|Research|

Recognizing trees and shrubs in winter

By Sandy Garland An OFNC excursion to Hampton Park Woods With the sun shining and the temperature hovering just below zero, it was a great day to be out in the woods! At least 30 other OFNC members had the same idea, so we all joined Owen Clarkin for a lesson in identifying [...]

2013-12-20T12:03:17-05:00December 20th, 2013|OFNC event|