Hatchling Snapping Turtles on the move!

by Dave Seburn Snapping Turtles will never win any prizes for parenting. Females nest by digging a hole in the ground and depositing their eggs in it. They cover the hole and return to the wetland, maternal duties finished. Many of those nests will be dug up by Raccoons or Skunks looking for an easy [...]

2015-09-02T14:09:08-04:00September 2nd, 2015|Conservation|

Mud Lake turtle rescue

by Ian Whyte On 10 September, I attended an OFNC birding outing at Mud Lake. Because I’ve found Snapping Turtle hatchlings trapped on the road by the filtration plant in previous years, I checked that location on my way home. The road in front of the filtration plant can be a death trap for hatchlings [...]

2018-01-03T01:05:30-05:00September 12th, 2014|Conservation|