Birding Petrie Island

We saw many of these plants loaded with colourful red berries, “highbush cranberries,” either the native North American or introduced European subspecies of Viburnum opulus. According to the experts present, these berries are edible, but when raw they are very sour, and have an unpleasant taste and smell. According to one source, “When you eat these berries [...]

2019-10-15T11:07:04-04:00September 13th, 2019|OFNC event|

Wild goose chase: OFNC birding outing

Our morning started at Petrie Island, with a calm breeze, blue skies, and soothing sunshine.  by Nina Stavlund and Tony Beck On 4 October, 34 excited birders met at Petrie Island where we started our "Wild Goose Chase" with the OFNC. After Petrie Island and a quick comfort stop at Tim Hortons, we went to [...]

2017-12-30T21:49:40-05:00November 5th, 2017|OFNC event|

Damselflies and Dragonflies at Petrie Island

by Lynn Ovenden A report on an OFNC excursion led by Gillian Mastromatteo on August 2, 2015 Petrie Island has quiet marshy interior bays, sandy beaches along the Ottawa River and lots of sunny openings in the forest in between. These make it a good place to find a variety of odonates. Gillian was hoping to [...]

2015-08-04T13:57:50-04:00August 4th, 2015|OFNC event|