Keep our environment commissioner

The OFNC has signed an Ontario Nature letter to Premier Ford protesting elimination of the role of environment commissioner. by Sandy Garland Ontario Nature (ON) is rallying its members (including the OFNC) to express concern over the move to eliminate the office of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO). OFNC President Diane Lepage has signed [...]

2018-12-10T14:30:58-05:00December 10th, 2018|Conservation|

Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas: a call for sightings

By Bailey Cooke Bailey Cooke is a second-year University of Ottawa student in environmental science. This winter, Bailey is volunteering with the OFNC through the Community Service Learning program. Spotted Salamander Ontario is home to 15 species of snakes, 8 turtles, 1 lizard, 13 frogs/toads, and 11 salamanders. But, with approximately 35% of Ontario’s amphibians [...]

2018-01-03T01:24:44-05:00March 27th, 2015|OFNC event|