OFNC butterfly count 2019

Three new species and new record high counts for eight others in this year's butterfly count. by Jeff Skevington The final totals are all in for yesterday's (6 July 2019) OFNC butterfly count, and we ended up with 1143 butterflies of 48 species. The count diversity was average but higher than expected, because we missed [...]

2019-07-07T21:48:22-04:00July 7th, 2019|OFNC event|

Flower flies!

Written on the fly by Lynn Ovenden The OFNC monthly meeting on Tuesday (February 11) last week was a big one, actually a joint meeting with the Ottawa Entomology Club. There were well over 100 of us in the salons of the Neatby Building (our new meeting location) buzzing with news and renewed acquaintances. Murray [...]

2018-01-03T01:00:35-05:00February 17th, 2014|OFNC event|