Ontario Invasive Plants Conference

This year's OIPC conference included many field trips that allowed participants to try out tools, such as the green Weeder and orange Extractigator to remove dog-strangling vine and small shrubs. by Lynn Ovenden The Ontario Invasive Plants Council hosted their 10th annual meeting and conference in Ottawa this year. The event began on October 10, 2017 with [...]

2017-10-25T15:13:39-04:00October 21st, 2017|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Macoun Club kids find invasive species at every turn (Sept. 17, 2016)

With warm rain expected, netting aquatic life in our Study Area seemed like a good way to put in our time. At the Sarsaparilla Trail, however, the observation dock has become so closely surrounded by tall stands of Narrow-leaved Cattails (and their hybrids) that little open water was available for our nets. We managed to [...]

2017-05-18T20:36:17-04:00September 17th, 2016|Macoun Field Club, Macoun Study Area|