Brush piles: improving backyard habitat

This is the first in a series of suggestions from the Conservation Committee for things you can do around your home in aid of wildlife and conservation. Some will be published in the next few issues of Trail & Landscape, but others will appear only as blog posts under the category “Conservation how to” - [...]

2016-02-15T21:33:40-05:00February 15th, 2016|Conservation how to|

A first-timer’s experience at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden

By Jessica Sutton Jessica Sutton is a 2nd-year University of Ottawa student in Environmental Studies and Biology. This fall Jessica is volunteering with the OFNC through the Community Service Learning (CSL) program. As a child living in Peterborough, I would often visit family in Ottawa, and we were frequent visitors of the Arboretum but unaware of the Fletcher [...]

2018-01-03T01:08:04-05:00October 16th, 2014|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|