Early fall birding along the Ottawa River

Northern Flicker, photographed by Sarma Vishnubhatla. On Sunday, 11 September, Jeff Skevington led an outing to Britannia and points west along the Ottawa River. At least 28 participants spent the day visiting the best birding spots along the river, looking for migrants and, especially, shorebirds. As Jeff reports, "We had many groups of warblers [...]

2016-09-12T20:52:30-04:00September 12th, 2016|OFNC event|

Ducks and gulls along the river

by Roy John Report of an Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club excursion on Sunday, 22 May 2016. A dozen people went to Mud Lake to take advantage of the recent change from cold windy weather to lovely warm sunshine. This had brought in numerous, much delayed, migrants over the last few days. Wood Duck photographed by [...]

2016-05-29T00:20:47-04:00May 29th, 2016|OFNC event|

The changing world of birds in the Ottawa Gatineau District – a 50-year perspective

by Richard Singhroy Richard Singhroy is a student at the University of Ottawa. As part of the university’s Community Service Learning program, he has volunteered to report on several OFNC outings and meetings. On Tuesday November 10, the monthly OFNC meeting started with a few announcements from Mark Brenchey. After drawing our attention to the [...]

2018-01-03T01:18:37-05:00December 6th, 2015|OFNC event|

Late fall birding

by Richard Singhroy Richard Singhroy is a student at the University of Ottawa. As part of the university's Community Service Learning program, he has volunteered to report on several OFNC outings and meetings. On Sunday, November 1 at 8 am, a group of Ottawa Field-Naturalist Club members met at Andrew Haydon Park to do some [...]

2015-11-21T02:06:00-05:00November 21st, 2015|OFNC event|

Birding in Gatineau Park’s Parkway Sector

by Justin Peter Report on an OFNC excursion led by Justin Peter and Carlos Barbery, 13 June 2015 From Gillian Shields: "Great crowd for the bird walk. We've already seen Black-billed Cuckoo!" — with Carlos Barbery and Justin Peter at Gatineau Park. Balmy temperatures and clear skies greeted 40+ OFNC members and friends [...]

2015-06-14T02:09:13-04:00June 14th, 2015|OFNC event|

Laid Back Birding

by Bev McBride The Laid Back Birding event at Mud Lake went well this morning. About 15 people tolerated the cold wind to follow me around the trails (with Dave Moore bringing up the rear). We encountered 34 species in a good mix of spring migrants, winter visitors, and year-round residents. Migrants included Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, [...]

2015-04-18T00:56:26-04:00April 18th, 2015|OFNC event|

The Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Birds Committee

By Claire Elliott The 2014-2015 OFNC Birds Committee. Every month a dedicated group of OFNC bird enthusiasts meet at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden to discuss bird-related news in the Ottawa region and to plan bird-related events and conservation initiatives. If you have participated in a bird-related OFNC event, visited a bird feeder located [...]

2018-04-16T13:56:33-04:00March 12th, 2015|News|

OFNC hosts Ontario birders’ convention in Ottawa

By Linda Burr OFNC member, Mark Patry, and colleague, Manson Fleguel, led Friday's excursion to Westmeath Provincial Park and area. Photo by Mark Brenchley Last weekend, a gathering of some rather exceptional "species" took place in Ottawa. I am referring, of course, to the annual convention of some of this province’s most enthusiastic [...]

2018-01-03T01:28:54-05:00October 4th, 2014|News|

Birding in the south end

Grasshopper Sparrow seen on a recent OFNC field trip to the open area south of Ottawa airport by Heather Oake Pickard I attended the excellent OFNC event held yesterday (May 28) in the fields near the airport - a guided birding trip for rare sparrows and other local birds. Many thanks to trip [...]

2014-05-30T16:58:57-04:00May 30th, 2014|OFNC event|

Birds for beginners

by Bev McBride Editor's note: In the interests of full disclosure, this Red-winged Blackbird was not photographed during this excursion, nor was it photographed at Mud Lake. However, Bev says this species was "emblematic" of the morning's very successful field trip. Photo by Gillian Mastromatteo About 20 people came out for this morning's [...]

2014-04-06T22:43:27-04:00April 6th, 2014|OFNC event|