Back Yard Garden Black Locust Trees

By Ted Farnworth Stumps of two Black Locust trees removed from the edge of the Backyard Garden this week. Over the years we have watched the Black Locust trees spread up the north side of the ravine at the FWG. The week or so when they are in bloom has brought many oohs [...]

2018-04-18T00:53:39-04:00April 15th, 2018|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Christine’s walks: birds and insects in the rain

by Christine Hanrahan Dodging the rain showers and gusty winds, I spent several hours walking around the garden looking for birds, plants, insects... Naturally, the latter were scarce and had to be looked for under leaves, huddled against stems and branches, seeking shelter from the rainy weather. I did see a pretty common spring moth [...]

2018-02-19T03:24:54-05:00May 23rd, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|