Accepted dimensions and rates

10% discount when four ads (one per issue) are purchased at one time by the same organization.

Size Location in T&L Rate[1] Rate with 15% discount[1] for members of the OFNC[2]
Full-page ad, 6″ wide x 9″ high
(15.24 x 22.86 cm)     
Anywhere in body of publication but after Table of Contents[3] $350.00 $297.50
Half-page ad, 5.5″ wide x 4″ high
(13.97 x 10.16 cm)
Anywhere in body of publication but after Table of Contents[3] $200.00 $170.00
Quarter-page ad, 5.5″ wide x 2″ high
(13.97 x 5.08 cm)
Anywhere in body of publication but after Table of Contents[3] $100.00 $85.00

[1] HST will not be charged.
[2] If the principal owner of the business is a member of the OFNC.
[3] At the discretion of the editor.

Deadlines for submission and payment is two months before publication date

  • November 1 for the January-March issue
  • February 1 for the April-June issue
  • May 1 for the July-September issue
  • August 1 for the October-December issue


  • Final, print-ready, colour image and text
  • Sizes as specified in table above
  • Ideal file formats are image files (such as jpg) at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
  • Product or service advertised must be directly related to the activities and mandate of the OFNC
  • Suitability of an ad for publication in Trail & Landscape is at the discretion of the editor.


Annie Bélair, editor