2nd edition
by Irwin M. Brodo
© 1988 National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, 115 pp.
$5 (see ordering information and mailing costs)
The city of Ottawa is situated in eastern Ontario approximately half way between Quebec City and Toronto in the deciduous forest region. The lichen flora within a 30-mile radius of Ottawa consists of about 400 species and is fairly representative of this entire populated corridor.
This work opens with a short general discussion of lichens as organisms, including pointers on their collection, preservation, and study. Diagnostic keys are then presented to the genera of crustose lichens based on fertile or on sterile material. Individual species are then keyed out within their genera. Keys to foliose lichens and fruticose lichens (without respect to particular genera) complete the section. A glossary of special terms used in the keys is presented as an appendix, together with an index of the species covered. The keys and glossary are illustrated with 84 black-and-white drawings depicting many of the lichens and some of their microscopic features.