Red Trillium from Old Woodlot in spring; photo D. Gordon E. Robertson
Wildlife gardening
- National Wildlife Federation – Garden for wildlife: making wildlife habitat at home
- Wildlife Gardener – “expert advice to create a wildlife haven” (United Kingdom)
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds – good wildlife gardening advice, including info on getting started
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden – gardening for wildlife series
- Ottawa Duck Club
- Eastern Ontario Model Forest/La forêt modèle de l’est de l’Ontario
- Guelph Arboretum – home of the Gosling Wildlife Garden
- Landowner Resource Centre
- Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
- Society for Ecological Restoration, Ontario Chapter
- The Mountain Top Arboretum (Catskill Mountains, New York)
Information about wildlife
- Bat Conservation International – everything you wanted to know about bats and how to attract them
- Hinterland Who’s Who series (Canadian Wildlife Service), a great resource for naturalists (English orFrench)
- Zoological Society of Montreal
- Bee basics – USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership publication
- Monarch Watch – organized by the University of Kansas Entomology Program
- The outdoor enthusiast’s guide to bugs – links to information about all the creatures you really want to know more about (thanks to the young naturalist who recommended this one!)
Amphibians and reptiles
- Les mycologues amateurs de l’Outaouais – excursions, talks, etc. related to mushrooms and other fungi
Plants of all kinds
- Ontario tree atlas
- Plants of Lanark County, Ontario by David J. White – list of the 1271 taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, and hybrids) of native and non-native vascular plants known to occur in Lanark County
- Nature North Zine — on-line nature magazine
- Wild About Gardening (Canadian Wildlife Federation) – wide range of information on planning, native species, urban wildlife
- Wildlife Gardener (United Kingdom) – many articles with international applicability
- Wildlife Ontario
Photos of wildlife
- Butterflies of Ottawa-Gatineau – multiple photos by Rick Cavasin make this a good aid to identification
- Bev Wigney’s galleries – extensive collections of all sorts of wildlife photos in the Ottawa area
- Andy’s Northern Ontario Wildflower – includes great habitat photos, taken in the Burwash area (just south of Sudbury)
- Wild Flowers and Other Flora – catalogue of excellent photos taken in the Eagle Lake region of Eastern Ontario by Irving Dardick
- iNaturalist: FWG Project and FWG place – observations and images of flora and fauna from FWG
Help with wildlife problems
- Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary – cares for injured or orphaned wild mammals and turtles
- Wild Bird Care Centre
- Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre
Information about native plants
- Ontario tree atlas
- Ontario trees and shrubs – native species
- Québec-Horticole: plantes indigènes du Québec
Gardening information
- Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton
- The joy of gardening: how to embrace outdoor space to maximise wellbeing
Habitat management
- Solutions for shoreline erosion (Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
- Stormwater management planning and design manual (Ontario Ministry of the Environment)
Sources of native plants
- Beaux Arbres Native Plants
- Twigs Nursery – native trees from local seed
- Ferguson Forest Centre – trees and shrubs
- Fuller Native and Rare Plants – specializes in native perennials, wildflowers, grasses, ferns, shrub seedlings and bulbs
- Connaught Nursery – good selection of Ottawa Valley native perennials, ferns, shrubs, and trees
Wildlife garden enhancements
- Construct and maintain bird nesting boxes
- Insect hotels
- Winter roosting boxes
- Snake hibernaculum
- Red squirrel nesting box