Our Resource Centre contains a wealth of information on wildlife, gardening, and conservation. Displays, plant and animal lists, “how to” leaflets, and a resource library may all be consulted to inform you about any aspect of our regional environment. If you drop by on Friday mornings, you’ll meet some of the hard-working people who take care of the demonstration backyard garden.
On Sunday afternoons (noon to 4 p.m.) during the summer, the centre is staffed by a volunteer who can help you identify plants and animals, find our nature flyers, or let you know what’s going on at the garden. This is also a good chance for you to find out what it’s like to work at the FWG!
Although the building is closed for the winter, our bulletin boards and window dioramas will show you what birds, mammals, and flora, can be found here, how to plan your natural garden, and much more. Pick up a brochure or a guide to help you discover the highlights along the Bill Holland Trail.

Flowers in beds surrounding the Resource Centre

One of the denizens found along the Bill Holland Trial

The bird feeder behind the Resource Centre is a hot spot for birders and photographers