
Butterfly family: Pieridae

Links — [CBIF] — are to Butterflies of Canada on the Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility web site where you’ll find more photographs, descriptions, ranges, habitat, and more. The small images next to each butterfly’s name are from Butterflies of Canada. They show upper wing on left and under wing on the right and show the relative size of each species. Wingspans, flight times, and larval food are also from Butterflies of Canada.

Cabbage White or Small White

Artogeia rapae [CBIF] Wingspan: 32 to 47 mm
Larval food: Members of the mustard family, including cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli
Flight season: Multi-brooded; can be found from mid-April through to mid-October


Clouded Sulphur

Colias philodice [CBIF] Wingspan: 32 to 54 mm
Larval food: Legumes (Fabaceae), particularly clovers and alfalfa
Flight season: 2 or more overlapping broods a year; on the wing from May into late October

Notice the pink edged “clouds” in the hindwing

Orange Sulphur

Colias philodice [CBIF] Wingspan: 34 to 55 mm
Larval food: Legumes (Fabaceae), particularly clovers and alfalfa
Flight season: 2 or 3 broods a year; flying May into November

Orange colouring can be seen through the forewing

This page was revised 14 September 2018
© Fletcher Wildlife Garden
Photos: D. Gordon E. Robertson
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