Butterfly family: Papilionidae

Links — [CBIF] — are to Butterflies of Canada on the Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility web site where you’ll find more photographs, descriptions, ranges, habitat, and more. The small images next to each butterfly’s name are from Butterflies of Canada. They show upper wing on left and under wing on the right and show the relative size of each species. Wingspans, flight times, and larval food are also from Butterflies of Canada.

Black Swallowtail

Papilio polyxenes [CBIF] Wingspan: 52 to 94 mm
Larval food: Parsley family, including wild (Queen Anne’s Lace) and cultivated carrot (Daucus carota), parsley, dill, and celery
Flight season: 2 generations: adults emerge in mid- to late May flying until late June; and in mid-July flying throughout August. Second-generation pupa overwinters.

Male, topside

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio canadensis [CBIF] Wingspan: 53 to 90 mm
Larval food: Trees, including willow (Salix spp.), cherry (Prunus spp.), poplar (Populus spp.), and ash (Fraxinus spp.)
Flight season: Mid-May to late July (1 generation a year)

Giant Swallowtail

Papilio cresphontes [CBIF] Wingspan: 140 to 180 mm
Larval food: Rutaceae (citrus plants), including different types of prickly ash
Flight season: May to late September (2 generations a year)

Nectaring on phlox

This page was revised 29 April 2018
© Fletcher Wildlife Garden
Photos: D. Gordon E. Robertson
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