As we’ve watched the garden evolve, we’ve tried to keep track of the birds, butterflies, and other animals using it. We also keep an inventory of plants on the site. A lot of consultation as well as research using the books, magazines, brochures, and posters in our resource library has taught us a bit about what we are observing. The result is the information listed here.
A — B — C — D — E — F — G — I — L — M — N — O — P — R — S — T — V — W
- amphibians and reptiles at the FWG | photo gallery
- arachnids at the FWG | photo gallery
- asters of the Ottawa region (with ID key)
- bats and how to attract them to your garden | comment attirer de chauves-souris
- beavers at the FWG
- (mason) bees (how to make a mason bee box)
- birds
- buckthorn, common and glossy
- burdock: FWG invasive plant fact sheet | petite bardane : feuillet d’info
- butterflies
- chipmunks at the FWG | photo gallery
- cinquefoils of the Ottawa region (with ID key)
- cold stratification: growing native plants from seed
- dragonflies and damselflies at the FWG | photo gallery
- dog-strangling vine (a.k.a. pale swallowwort)
- ferns at the FWG
- (red) foxes at the FWG
- (wild)flowers at the FWG
- fungi at the FWG | photo gallery
- FWG project on iNaturalist – sightings to view and add to our project
- galls at the FWG
- garlic mustard
- goldenrods of the Ottawa region (with ID key)
- grasses at the FWG | photo gallery
- grey squirrels at the FWG
- iNaturalist for FWG
- insect “hotels”
- insects at the FWG (excluding butterflies, moths, and dragonflies and damselflies)
- invasive plant species
- mammals at the FWG | photo gallery
- mason bees (how to make a mason bee box)
- moths at the FWG | photo gallery | moth caterpillars photo gallery
- muskrats at the FWG
- rabbits, see eastern cottontail at the FWG
- red foxes at the FWG
- red squirrels at the FWG | photo gallery
- resources and links
- roosting boxes
- shrubs at the FWG
- slugs and snails at the FWG | photo gallery
- spiders at the FWG | photo gallery
- (grey) squirrels at the FWG
- (red) squirrels at the FWG | photo gallery
- tracks in the snow
- tree and shrub database at the FWG
- trees at the FWG
- trees and shrubs for wildlife