Diane Lepage, with additions by Ken Allison, Louis Handfield, C. Hanrahan, S. Rainville
photos by Christine Hanrahan
316 species (19 September 2011)
Taxonomic order follows that of The Butterflies and Moths of North America from the University of Montana.
Drepana arcuata | Arched Hooktip |
Drepana bileneata | Two-lined Hooktip |
Eudeilinea herminiata | Northern Eudeilinea |
Euthyatira pudens | Dogwood Thyatirid |
Habrosyne scripta | ![]() |
Oreta rosea | Rose Hooktip |
Actias luna | Luna Moth |
Antheraea polyphemus | Polyphemus Moth |
Dryocampa rubicunda | Rosy Maple Moth |
Hyalophora cecropia | Cecropia Moth |
Ceratomia undulosa | Wave Sphinx |
Darapsa pholus | Azalea sphinx |
Dolba hyloeus | Pawpaw Sphinx |
Hemaris diffinis | Snowberry Clearwing |
Hemaris thysbe | Hummingbird Moth (Common Clearwing) |
Lapara bombycoides | Pine Sphinx |
Pachysphinx modesta | Poplar Sphinx![]() |
Paonias excaecatus | Blinded Sphinx |
Paonias myops | Small-eyed Sphinx |
Smerinthus cerisyl | One-eyed Sphinx |
Smerinthus jamaicensis | Twin-spotted Sphinx |
Sphinx kalmiae | Laurel Sphinx |
Sphinx drupiferarum | Wild Cherry sphinx |
Sphinx gordius | Apple Sphinx |
Clostera albosigma | Sigmoid Prominent |
Clostera apicalis | |
Clostera strigosa | Striped Chocolate Tip |
Furcula borealis | White Furcula |
Gluphisia avimacula | |
Gluphisia septentrionis | Common Gluphisia |
Heterocampa buindata | Wavy-lined Heterocampa |
Lochmaeus manteo | Variable Oakleaf Moth |
Nadata gibbosa | White-dotted Prominent |
Nerice bidentata | Double-toothed Prominent |
Notodonta scitipennis | Finned-willow Prominent Moth |
Notodonta simplaria | |
Odontosia elegans | Elegant Prominent |
Oligocentria lignicolor | |
Peridea ferruginea | Chocolate Prominent |
Schizura ipomoeae | Morning Glory Prominent |
Schizura unicornis | Unicorn Caterpillar Moth |
Arctia caja | Great Tiger Moth |
Cisseps fulvicollis | Yellow-collared Scape Moth |
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Ctenucha virginica | Virginia Ctenucha |
Cycnia tenera | Delicate cycnia |
Eilema bicolor | Bicolored Moth |
Grammia virgo | Virgin Tiger Moth |
Halysidota tessellaris | Pale Tussock Moth |
Haploa confusa | Confused Haploa |
Haploa contigua | The Neighbor |
Holomelina laeta | |
Hyphantria cunea | Fall Webworm |
Hypoprepia fucosa tricolor | Painted Lichen Moth |
Lophocampa maculata | Spotted Tussock Moth |
Phragmatobia assimilans | Large Ruby Tiger Moth |
Phragmatobia fuliginosa | Ruby Tiger Moth |
Pyrrharctia isabella | Isabella Tiger Moth |
Spilosoma virginica | Virginia Tiger Moth |
Acronicta americana | American Dagger Moth |
Acronicata dactylina | Fingered Dagger |
Acronicta impressa | Dagger Moth |
Acronicta innotata | Unmasked Dagger Moth |
Acronicta lobeliae | Greater Oak Dagger Moth |
Acronicta longa | Long-winged Dagger |
Acronicta oblinita | Smeared Dagger Moth |
Acronicta noctivaga | Night-Wandering Dagger |
Acronicta superans | Splendid Dagger Moth |
Agriopodes fallax | Green Marvel |
Alypia octomaculata | Eight-Spotted Forester |
Amolita fessa | Feeble Grass Moth |
Anaplectoides prasina | Green Arches |
Apamea amputatrix | Yellow-headed Cutworm Moth |
Baileya doubledayi | Doubleday’s Baileya |
Balsa tristrigella | Three-lined Balsa Moth |
Bomolocha abolicalis | White-lined Bomolocha |
Bomolocha baltimoralis | Baltimore Bomolocha |
Bomolocha bijugalis (Hypena bijugalis) | Dimorphic Bomolocha |
Bomolocha manalis (Hypena manalis) | Flowing-line Bomolocha |
Bomolocha palparia | Mottled Bomolocha |
Callopistria cordata | Silver-spotted Fern Moth |
Callopistria mollissima | Pink-Shaded Fern |
Calyptra canadensis | Canadian Owlet |
Caenurgina crassiuscula | Clover Looper Moth |
Catocala cara | Darling Underwing |
Catocala unijuga | Once-married Underwing |
Chrysanympha Formosa | Formosa Looper |
Chytolita petrealis | Stone-winged owlet moth |
Colobochyla interpuncta | Yellow-lined Owlet Moth |
Colocasia flavicornis | The Yellowhorn |
Condica videns | White-Dotted Groundling |
Conservula anodonta | Sharp Angle Shades |
Chrysanympha formosa | Formosa Looper |
Cucullia asteroides | Asteroid Moth |
Cucullia convexipennis | Brown-hooded Owlet |
Cucullia florea | |
Diachrysia balluca | Hologram moth |
Euchaetes egle | Milkweed Tussock Moth |
Eudryas unio | Pearly Wood Nymph |
Euplexia benesimilis | American Angle Shades |
Eurois occulta | Great Brocade Moth |
Euxoa obeliscoides | Obelisk Dart Moth |
Faronta diffusa | Wheat Head Armyworm Moth |
Feltia jaculifera | Dingy Cutworm Moth |
Feralia comstocks | Compstock’s Sallow |
Harrismemna trisignata | Harris’s Three-spot Moth |
Hologram moth | Diachrysia balluca |
Homochlodes fritillaria | Pale Homochlodes |
Hydraecia stramentosa | |
Hypagyrtis piniata | Pine-measuring Worm Moth |
Hypagyrtis unipunctata | One-spotted Variant |
Hyppa xylinoides | Common Hyppa |
Idia aemula | Common Idia |
Idia lubricalis | Glossy Black Idia |
Itame pustularia | |
Itame ribearia | Currant Spanworm Moth |
Lacinipolia renigera | |
Lascoria ambigualis | Ambiguous Moth |
Leuconycta lepidula | Marbled-green Leuconycta |
Lithacodia musculosa | Large Mossy Lithacodia |
Macrochilo absorptalis | Slant-lined Owlet moth |
Marathyssa inficita | Dark Marathyssa Moth |
Maliattha synochitis | Black-dotted Lithacodia |
Melanchra adjuncta | Hitched Arches |
Melanchra assimilis | |
Metalectra discalis | Common Fungus Moth |
Morrisonia evicta | Bicolored Woodgrain |
Nematocampa limbata | Horned Spanworm |
Noctua pronuba | Large Yellow Underwing |
Ochropleura implecta | Flame-shouldered Dart Moth |
Orthosia alurina | Gray Quaker![]() |
Orthosia revicta | Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth |
Palthis angulalis | |
Pangrapta decoralis | Decorated Owlet |
Panthea acronyctoides | Black Zigzag |
Panthea furcilla | Eastern Panthea Moth |
Panthea gigantean | |
Panthea pallescens centralis | Northern Grey |
Papaipema arctivorens | Northern Burdock Borer |
Parallelia bistriaris | Maple Looper Moth |
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Pheosia rimosa | Black-Rimmed Prominent |
Phlogophora iris | Olive Angle Shades |
Phlogophora periculosa | |
Plagodis phlogosaria | Straight-lined Plagodis Moth |
Polia nimbosa | Stormy Arches |
Protodeltote muscosula | Large Mossy Lithacodia |
Pseudeustrotia carneola | ![]() |
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea | Pink-spotted Dart |
Raphia frater | The brother |
Renia sobrialis | Sober Renia |
Rivula propinqualis | Spotted Grass Moth |
Schinia florida | Primrose Moth |
Scoliopteryx libatrix | The Herald |
Spirameter lutra | Otter Spirameter |
Tarachidia candefacta | Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth |
Zale horrida | Horrid Zale |
Zale lunifera | Bold-based Zale |
Zale lunata | Lunate Zale |
Zale minerea | Colorful Zale |
Zanclognatha sp. | Zanclognatha |
Zanclognatha laevigata | Variable Zanclognatha |
Zanclognatha obscuripennis | Dark Zanclognatha |
Psycidae sp. | Bagworm Moth |
Dichomeris ochripalpella | Shining Dichomeris |
Archips dissitana | |
Archips purpurana | Omnivorous Leafroller Moth |
Olethreutes exoletus | |
Clepsis persicana | White Triangle Leafroller |
Olethreutes astrologana | The Astronomer Moth |
Olethreutes exoletus | |
Euclea delphinii | Spiny-Oak-Slug Moth |
Lithacodes fasciola | Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth |
Tortricidia flexuosa | |
Tortricidia testacea | Early Button Slug Moth |
Urola nivalis | Snowy Urola Moth |
Anageshna primordialis | Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth |
Anania funebris glomeralis | White-spotted Sable Moth |
Apogeshna stenialis | Checkered Apogeshna |
Condylolomia participalis | Drab Condylolomia |
Crambus agitatellus | Double-banded Grass-veneer |
Crambus girardellus | Girard’s Grass-veneer |
Desmia funeralis | Grape-Leaffolder |
Diacme adipaloides | |
Eudonia echo | |
Eurrhypara hortulata | Small Magpie Moth |
Evergestis pallidata | Purple-backed Cabbageworm Moth |
Herpetogramma abdominalis | |
Herpetogramma aeglealis | |
Herpetogramma pertextalis | Bold-feathered Grass Moth |
Herpetogramma thirtealis | |
Hypsopygia costalis | Clover Hayworm |
Lygropia rivulalis | Bog Lygropia |
Munroessa icciusalis | Pondside Pyralid Moth |
Ostrinia obumbratalis | Smartweed Borer Moth |
Palpita magniferalis | Splendid Palpita |
Pantographa limita | Basswood Leafroller |
Parapoynx obscuralis | Obscure Pondweed Moth |
Phlyctaenia coronata | Crowned Phlyctaenia Moth |
Pyrausta bicoloralis | |
Pyrausta orphisalis | Orange-spotted Pyrausta |
Synclita obliteralis | Waterlily Leafcutter Moth |
Dasychira pinicola | Pine Tussock Moth |
Orgyia antiqua | Rusty Tussock Moth |
Orygia leucostigma | White-marked Tussock |
Thyris maculata | Spotted Thyris |
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Dejongia lobidactylus | Plume Moth |
Geina periscelidactylus | Grape Plume Moth |
Geina tenuidactyla | Himmelman’s Plume Moth |
Platyptilia carduidactyla | Artichoke Plume Moth |
Pterophoridae spp. | Plume Moth |
Anacamptodes ephyraria | Pale-winged Gray |
Anagoga occiduaria | |
Anticlea vasiliata | Variable Carpet |
Archiearis infans | The Infant |
Besma quercivoraria | Oak Besma |
Biston betularia cognataria | Pepper-and-salt Geometer |
Cabera erythemaria | Yellow-dusted Cream Moth |
Campea perlata | Pale Beauty |
Caripeta pineata | Northern Pine Looper |
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria | Blackberry Looper |
Cladara atroliturata | The Scribbler |
Cladara limitaria | Mottled Gray Carpet |
Cladara limitaria | Mottled Gray Carpet |
Dyspteris abortivaria | Bad-wing Moth |
Dysstroma hersiliata | Orange-barred carpet |
Ectropis crepuscularia | The Small Engrailed Moth |
Ennomos subsignaria | Elm Spanworm Moth |
Epirrhoe alternata | White-banded Toothed Carpet |
Eubaphe mendica | The Beggar |
Euchlaena effecta | Effective Euchlaena Moth |
Euchlaena irraria | Least-marked Euchlaena |
Euchlaena serrata | The Saw-wing |
Eufidonia convergaria | Pine Powder Moth |
Eufidonia notataria | Powder Moth |
Eufidonia discospilata | Sharp-lined Powder Moth |
Eugonobapta nivosaria | Snow Geometer Moth |
Eulithis diversilineata | Lesser Grapevine Looper Moth |
Eulithis explanata | White Eulithis |
Eulithis gracilineata | Greater Grapevine Looper |
Eulithis serrataria | Serrated Eulithis |
Eulithis xylina | Northwest Phoenix Moth |
Euphyia unangulata intermedia | Sharp-angled Carpet |
Eupithecia ravocostalla | Tawny Eupithecia Moth |
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Eutrapela clemataria | Curve-toothed Geometer |
Heterophleps refusaria | Three-patched Bigwig Moth |
Heterophleps triguttaria | Three-spotted Fillip |
Hethemia pistasciaria | Pistachio Emerald Moth |
Horisme intestinata | Brown Bark Carpet Moth |
Hydriomena californiata | |
Hydrelia inornata | |
Hydrelia lucata | Light Carpet Moth |
Hydriomena divisaria | Black-dashed Hydriomena |
Hydriomena marinata | |
Hydriomena pluviata meridianata | Lesser Grapevine Looper |
Hydriomena transfigurata | Transfigured Hydriomena |
Hypagyrtis unipunctata | One-spotted Variant |
Idaea dimidiata | Single-dotted Wave Moth |
Idaea obfusaria | Rippled Wave |
Iridopsis defectaria | Brown-shaded Gray |
Iridopsis humaria | Small Purplish Gray |
Iridopsis larvaria | Bent-line Gray Moth |
Lambdina fiscellaria | Hemlock Looper |
Lobophora nivigerata | Powdered Bigwing |
Lomographa glomeraria | Gray Spring Moth |
Lomographa semiclarata | Bluish Spring Moth |
Lomographa vestaliata | White Spring Moth |
Lytrosis unitaria | Common Lytrosis |
Macaria aemulataria | Common Angle |
Macaria fissinotata | Hemlock Angle Moth |
Macaria minorata | Minor Angle Moth |
Macaria pinistobata | White Pine Angle Moth |
Macaria pustularia | Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth |
Macaria sexmaculata | Six-spotted Angle Moth |
Macaria transitaria | Blurry Chocolate Angle |
Melanolophia canadaria | Canadian Melanolophia![]() |
Melanolophia signataria | Signate Melanolophia |
Mesoleuca ruficillata | White-ribboned Carpet |
Metalectra discalis | Common Fungus Moth |
Metarranthis indeclinata | |
Metanema determinate | Dark Metanema |
Metanema inatomaria | Pale Metanema |
Nacrophora quernaria | Oak Beauty |
Navitrinelia addendaria | Common gray |
Nematocampa resistaria | Horned Spanworm |
Nemoria bistriaria siccifolia | Red-fringed Emerald |
Nepytia canosaria | False Hemlock Looper Moth |
Operophtera bruceata | Bruce Spanworm |
Orthonama centrostrigaria | Bent-Line Carpet |
Pero ancetaria | Hubner’s Pero |
Pero honestaria | Honest Pero |
Petrophora subsequaria | |
Plagodis alcoolaria | |
Plagodis kuetzingi | Purple Plagodis |
Plagodis phlogosaria iris | |
Plagodis pulveraria occiduaria | |
Probole alienaria | Alien Probole |
Probole nyssaria | Dogwood Probole |
Prochoerodes transversata | Large Maple Spanworm Moth |
Protoboarmia porcelaria | Porcelain Gray Moth |
Rheumaptera sp. | |
Rheumaptera hastate | |
Scopula cacuminaria | Frosted Tan Wave Moth |
Scopula limboundata | Large Lace Moth |
Semiothisa aemulataria | Woody Angle |
Semiothisa bisignata | Red-headed Inchworm Moth |
Semiothisa oweni | Owen’s Angle Moth |
Semiothisa ulsterata | |
Sicya macularia | Sharp-lined Yellow |
Tacparia detersata | Pale Alder |
Tetracis cachexiata | White Slant-line |
Tetracis crocallata | Yellow Slant-Line |
Trichodezia albovittata | White-striped Black |
Xanthorhoe ferrugata | Red Twin-spot |
Xanthorhoe lacustrata | |
Xanthotype sospeta | Crocus Geometer |
Xanthotype urticaria | ![]() |
Melacosoma americana | Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth |
Melacosoma disstria | Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth |
Phyllodesma americana | Lappet Moth |
© The Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club
This page was revised on 23 September 2011
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