By Natalie Sopinka
With over 30 members in attendance at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden Interpretive Centre, the 135th OFNC Annual Business Meeting was called to order by President Fenja Brodo.
Some notable sightings were discussed first including a merlin enjoying a feast of pigeon and playful house finches bathing in a divot of ice.
Fondly remembered were Bob Bracken, one of the most formidable birders in Ottawa, Gordon Pringle (Birds Committee), and Violetta Csazak.
Rob Alvo shared his Christmas Bird Count successes during a recent trip to Arizona. For members traveling in the future, he highly recommends checking out Birding Pal to meet up with local birders wherever your destination may be.
Committee updates
The Awards Committee reviewed the 2012 recipients who are featured in the latest issue of The Canadian Field-Naturalist (CFN 127(4)).
The Birds Committee had a busy year working on the new Ottawa-Gatineau birders’ checklist, volunteering countless hours to the 2013 BirdLife International Congress, preparing for the 2014 Ontario Field Ornithologist’s Annual Conference to be held here in Ottawa, and initiating a local chapter of the Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP).
The Conservation Committee is back in action with Owen Clarkin leading the troops.
Members of the Education and Publicity Committee were thrilled with sales of OFNC merchandise and have launched several new items including a bookmark and a lens wipe.
The Excursions and Lectures Committee was rebranded as the Events Committee. With over 50 events organized in 2013, this year is also sure to be filled with many exciting hikes, workshops, and socials. Stay abreast of upcoming events by visiting the OFNC website.
The Publications Committee was applauded for publishing five issues of CFN in 2013, bringing the journal back on schedule! See another new issue here.
The Macoun Field Club held a number of field trips throughout the area. Read about the adventures of young naturalists here.
As always the Fletcher Wildlife Garden was teeming with activity, from invasive plant removal to soil and social science research.
New business
In light of upcoming changes to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, a committee has been formed to amend the OFNC Constitution and By-Laws. Once completed, drafts will be published online and in CFN and Trail & Landscape.
The OFNC will be updating its website; let us know what you want and don’t want to see on a new site. Send your thoughts and feedback to Lynn Ovenden (
Meeting minutes will be published in an upcoming issue of CFN. For those members on Twitter, the business meeting was live-tweeted via the OFNC Twitter feed. Follow OFNC on Twitter!