Jakob Mueller leads OFNC walk to Shaw Woods Outdoor Education Centre in Renfrew County …

Dragonhunter, Hagenius brevistylus, a clubtail dragonfly.

by Tanya Middlebro’.

On Saturday 12 August, Jakob Mueller led a group of 12 members along the stately Old Growth Trail in the Shaw Woods.  Highlights were several red-backed salamanders, and many colourful mushrooms.  The trail on the east side of the Snake River revealed New Jersey Tea and cardinal flowers in bloom.

An excellent outing, enjoyed by all, and we avoided the fierce thunderstorm in Ottawa!

photos: Tanya Middlebro’ and Derek Dunnett

Coral Tooth fungus, Hericum coralloides

Pinedrops, Pterospora andromedea, a plant in the blueberry family that lacks chlorophyll.