by Bev McBride
The Laid Back Birding event at Mud Lake went well this morning. About 15 people tolerated the cold wind to follow me around the trails (with Dave Moore bringing up the rear).
We encountered 34 species in a good mix of spring migrants, winter visitors, and year-round residents. Migrants included Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe and Song Sparrow along with Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles.
Ring-billed Gulls have returned in force, covering their nesting colonies on the north side of the Ottawa River. Turkey Vultures soared over later in the morning. As ever, the ornate Wood Ducks were a crowd-pleaser. The lone Great Blue Heron standing by the frozen pond looked annoyed. I realize I am just projecting my own feelings here.
For winter visitors, Two lingering Herring Gulls, an adult and subadult, posed on the ice for comparison. Some Common Goldeneye remain on the river. Two flocks of Bohemian Waxwings circulated around, even coming close enough for us to see identifying details (see Norbert’s photos elsewhere on this page).
Bruce di Labio who was there with his birding class alerted us to a Snowy Owl flying overhead and a few of us caught a glimpse. Downy Woodpeckers abounded, chasing each other and calling.
We heard good amounts of song as well, with American Robins, Song Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, Northern Cardinals, American Goldfinches, House Finches and Red-winged Blackbirds all going at it. A few of us got a glimpse of a Sharp-shinned Hawk darting in behind the large shrubs near the bird feeders.
Thanks to all who came out and who agreed that, in spite of a long walk, the excursion still qualified as laid back birding.