Started in 1900, the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is North America’s longest-running Citizen Science project. People in more than 2000 locations throughout the Western Hemisphere participate in the CBC each year. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer to participate in this exciting project, meet new people and even learn more about other birding areas. You are not alone. Most counts organize small groups of people to cover defined areas so you do not have to be an expert birder.
Three OFNC supported counts are:
ONRI – Richmond-Munster-Manotick Count December 16, 2023. Contact are Peter Blanchard at or Nina Stavlund at
Ottawa-Gatineau Christmas Bird Count December 17, 2023. Contact Bernie Ladouceur at
Dunrobin – January 2, 2024. Contact Bruce DiLabio at or for the Quebec side Mo Laidlaw at
BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! There are a number of counts in and around the OFNC Study Area. Pembroke, Quyon, LaRose Forest, Pakenham-Arnprior and more.
A calendar of those events can be found at Christmas Bird Count Calendar 2023-24
For more information visit Birds Canada Christmas Bird Counts
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