As we are starting to think of Spring, we can look back at the successful 103rd Ottawa-Gatineau CBC that was held December 19, 2021. Temperatures ranged from -11.3 to minus 7.4 degrees Celsius, with some light snow on and off throughout the day.
142 field observers plus 26 feeder watchers found 71 species and 41,842 individual birds (but not all counted individually). Highlights included the third record for Yellow=bellied Sapsucker, 2 Green-winged Teal, a White-winged Scoter, and a Northern Harrier. Record highs were set for Wood Wild Turkey (334), Common Raven (147), and White-throated Sparrow (44). In addition to Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, two other record highs were tied: Winter Wren (2) and Gray Catbird (2).
For complete results, visit 2021 Ottawa Gatineau Christmas Bird Count
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