The Results of the Richmond (ONRI) Christmas Bird Count are In

The total species count this year was 56 , slightly lower than in the previous 4 years (58-60).  An additional 8 species were found in the 3 days prior or after count day, so 64 species in count week overall. This was a better than expected result, considering how quiet it was in most places [...]

2024-12-29T08:56:01-05:00December 29th, 2024|Birds|

OFNC Book Club Next Pick

OFNC Book Club Reads: Bitch by Lucy Cooke What do albatrosses, whiptail lizards, and meerkats have in common? The females of these species are all used by writer and zoologist Lucy Cooke to demonstrate that, when it comes to the sexes, even the field of evolutionary biology has a few biases that need debunking. In the [...]

2024-12-23T12:33:36-05:00December 5th, 2024|Uncategorized|