How To Find 250 Bird Species in the OFNC Study Area in a Single Year

March is coming to an end.  Some early migrants have already arrived.  The next few months bring the excitement of waves of migrants heading to their breeding grounds and others establishing their territories locally.  If you started a year list, or just want to learn where and what you might see in the OFNC study [...]

2024-03-22T17:12:45-04:00March 22nd, 2024|Birds|

Solar Eclipse Resources and Presentation

On Monday March 4, astronomer and repeat presenter Howard Simkover delivered a special presentation to the OFNC via Zoom on solar eclipses. This is particularly timely as a total solar eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024, across a swath of North America. Locations not too far from Ottawa in Southeastern Ontario will find themselves [...]

2024-03-09T21:09:19-05:00March 9th, 2024|OFNC event|