Transit Explorer Series (Dominion) trip a success!

Beachcombing at Westboro Beach: what plant does this come from? by Bev McBride A small but appreciative crowd of two, including the leader, had a great, nature-focussed trek around the general area accessible from the Dominion Transitway station. We both arrived by bus. It was supposed to be pouring rain, but we had none. There [...]

2019-04-20T18:54:14-04:00April 20th, 2019|OFNC event|

Shelving polypore fungi workshop

On April 6th, Joan Heyding and Lynn Ovenden showed photos and passed around dried specimens of polypore fungi. We looked at characters such as the size and shape of the fruiting body and its pores, which are useful for telling species apart. We told stories about woodpeckers and some insects who live intimately with wood rot... beetles, [...]

2019-04-09T11:47:34-04:00April 9th, 2019|OFNC event|