Birds in Africa and North America (Mar. 25, 2017)

We started with some exotic birds. Rob Alvo had recently made a birding tour of southern Africa, hitting as many different ecosystems as possible. Surprisingly, we recognized many of the birds, which we ourselves had never seen: weavers, owls, ostriches, and African penguins. Rob asked thought provoking questions that led into issues of conservation. Then, [...]

2017-05-18T20:36:10-04:00March 26th, 2017|Macoun Field Club|

An icy day in the Pakenham Hills (Mar. 4, 2017)

Conditions were almost perfect in the Pakenham hills today: a refrozen snowpack we could all walk on, with animal tracks showing in a light layer on top; brilliant sunshine to warm us (it was minus 18°C); ices as smooth as a skating rink running down a hill (for inveterate sliders); and a steady wind (to make the [...]

2017-05-18T20:36:10-04:00March 5th, 2017|Macoun Field Club|