Tuesday afternoons in the woods

by Sandy Garland When our ash trees were taken down last spring, not only did they leave enormous "holes" in the Old Woodlot, but they also caused damage to other trees and plants when they fell and were dragged out of the area. Increased light means the ground vegetation is likely to change. All this [...]

2018-01-02T19:08:39-05:00May 29th, 2015|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

Nest boxes for mason bees

This very small bee was exploring the various nest holes in this bee box. This tiny bee is in the Tribe Osmiini, and in the genus Heriades (thanks to Bug Guide for identifying the genus). by Sandy Garland Mason bees are named for their use of mud or clay in their nests. They [...]

2019-03-18T19:53:52-04:00May 16th, 2015|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

OFNC communications: follow up to 2015 member survey

by Linda Burr Education and Publicity Committee Thank you to all of our members who participated in the survey on communications this past January. The electronic version was distributed by email to 658 members and a paper survey was distributed by mail to 115 members. We received an incredible 395 responses (39 on paper, 356 [...]

2018-01-03T01:21:23-05:00May 11th, 2015|News|