Migrants at Parc national de Plaisance

by Rachelle Lapensee with photos by Sandra Dashney and Arlene Harold Virgina Rail photographed by Sandra Dashney This park includes the largest wetlands in the Ottawa area, and the trip was timed to coincide with the end of spring waterfowl migration. What a fantastic and successful birding trip to PARC NATIONAL DE PLAISANCE [...]

2015-04-27T00:17:23-04:00April 27th, 2015|OFNC event|

Laid Back Birding

by Bev McBride The Laid Back Birding event at Mud Lake went well this morning. About 15 people tolerated the cold wind to follow me around the trails (with Dave Moore bringing up the rear). We encountered 34 species in a good mix of spring migrants, winter visitors, and year-round residents. Migrants included Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, [...]

2015-04-18T00:56:26-04:00April 18th, 2015|OFNC event|

Ottawa Regional Science Fair: and the winners are…

by Lucy Patterson, Education and Publicity Committee   Allan Leveille (left) and Shamus McCoy are this year's winners of the OFNC award for their science projects From creating bioplastics using potatoes to developing a concentration method for trace elements in water samples, the Ottawa Regional Science Fair is full of surprises! Since 1961, this [...]

2018-01-03T01:22:41-05:00April 11th, 2015|News|