My experience as an OFNC blogger

By Jessica Sutton Jessica Sutton is a 2nd-year University of Ottawa student in Environmental Studies and Biology. This fall, Jessica volunteered with the OFNC through the university's Community Service Learning (CSL) program. The CSL program creates "placements" that link interested students with community organizations who will supervise a student's 30 hours of volunteer work on a [...]

2018-04-16T13:58:18-04:00December 19th, 2014|News|

A Conservation Plan for the Ottawa Valley

By Jessica Sutton Jessica Sutton is a 2nd-year University of Ottawa student in Environmental Studies and Biology. This fall, Jessica is volunteering with the OFNC through the Community Service Learning (CSL) program. Report from the 2014 Youth Summit The November monthly meeting kicked off with a presentation by Emma Kirke and Emily Pollington - two youth from [...]

2018-01-03T01:26:34-05:00December 3rd, 2014|OFNC event|