Many ways of seeing nature: OFNC members’ photo night

By Barry Cottam On January 18th at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden (FWG) interpretive centre, at least a couple dozen people came out for the OFNC members’ photography night, hosted by Hume Douglas and Barry Cottam. Eleven presenters took us to locations near and far in a nice mix of exotic and local that proved to be a [...]

2014-01-31T19:54:52-05:00January 31st, 2014|OFNC event|

Year in review: 135th Annual OFNC Business Meeting

By Natalie Sopinka Diane Lepage holding award from Nature Canada for OFNC's volunteer efforts during the 2013 BirdLife International Congress. With over 30 members in attendance at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden Interpretive Centre, the 135th OFNC Annual Business Meeting was called to order by President Fenja Brodo. Some notable sightings were discussed first [...]

2018-01-03T01:03:43-05:00January 18th, 2014|OFNC event|