Recognizing trees and shrubs in winter

By Sandy Garland An OFNC excursion to Hampton Park Woods With the sun shining and the temperature hovering just below zero, it was a great day to be out in the woods! At least 30 other OFNC members had the same idea, so we all joined Owen Clarkin for a lesson in identifying [...]

2013-12-20T12:03:17-05:00December 20th, 2013|OFNC event|

Snowy weather and Snowy Owls

93rd Ottawa-Gatineau Christmas Bird Count By Jonathan VanAmburg "Perfect Christmas Bird Count weather in Ottawa: -32°C and 20-25 cm of snow. Fun times, fun times,” remarked Gillian Shields on Facebook, as she set out for a day in the cold. She and dozens of other area birders came out for the 93rd Ottawa-Gatineau Christmas Bird [...]

2018-03-24T04:47:37-04:00December 19th, 2013|OFNC event|

There and back again: a man, his canoe and a message

By Natalie Sopinka Adult Silvery Blue.Photo by: Jocelyn Gill. Good-bye CMN At the December monthly meeting, OFNC members bid farewell to the Canadian Museum of Nature. The club fondly recalled the dedicated hospitality and help from museum staff and technicians over the decades. Starting in February, monthly meetings will be held in the [...]

2018-01-03T00:47:06-05:00December 15th, 2013|OFNC event|

Christine’s walks: early December

hairy woodpecker work on ash trees by Christine Hanrahan December 4, a mild day, with the merest hints of snow. A day to visit the FWG and look for blog subjects. Apart from the many squirrels, it was pretty quiet. A small flock of house finches in the Backyard Garden (BYG), several cardinals, [...]

2018-01-02T18:41:51-05:00December 6th, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

In case you missed it: 1st Annual Bug Day

By Jeff Skevington, foreword by Natalie Sopinka Whether it's beetles, butterflies or bees, "bugs" are in the news. Invasive southern pine beetles are wreaking havoc on New Jersey’s pine trees, as the world warms butterflies are emerging earlier, and a parasitic fly may be changing honey bees into "zombees." In local news, on September 7 this year, the [...]

2018-01-03T00:49:14-05:00December 2nd, 2013|OFNC event|