Christine’s walks: 4 June 2013

by Christine Hanrahan Tuesday afternoon at the garden, June 4th, and a lovely day to be wandering through the FWG. Mating pair of silvery blue butterflies Silvery blue butterflies were fluttering around in many locations, including this mating pair near the new woods. Common ringlets were indeed common that day but hard to [...]

2018-01-02T18:50:59-05:00June 8th, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|

DSV vs the Dandelion digger

By Ted Farnworth I gave the dandelion digger a test run on the north face of the ravine to see if it would work against DSV in a real-life situation. The plot where I have been focusing my attention this year is actually starting to look like DSV is not taking over as it has [...]

2018-01-02T18:52:44-05:00June 3rd, 2013|Fletcher Wildlife Garden|